Xpert-Timer on Stuff a blog

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Project management software tools tend to be the best options for all your requirements. In fact, the time tracking is yet another feature that would be making your project management tool all the more capable. It would be the best option towards planning your work, estimating time more adequately and billing your clients precisely. One such capable time tracker tool worth mentioning can be Xpert-Timer from Xpert Timer Software.

Manage Time Expertly with Xpert-Timer

If you are looking for a modular time tracking option for managing your project and task based time tracking, Xpert-Timer is the best you would go with. The tool doubles up as a multifaceted application and works with a host of functions.

Xpert Timer is capable of keeping track of all the activities carried out as part of the project and track the spent time by each member of the team. You need not enter the times manually. The tool comes with a stopwatch that floats on your desktop and will function on its own.

What are the features that would make it an excellent option?

Well, there are several features that would make it an excellent option in its own right. Here is a look on the most salient features –

Multiple User based functionality

The core function of the software is to track time. Each user on the project can record the time spent in an effective manner. You can either use it to track your time spent on each of the activities or just use it to record your presence.

Record of interruptions

Interruptions can reduce the speed of the performance and thus adversely affect the workflow. Xpert-Timer  can analyze the performance at the end of each month and track the interruptions and what caused them. Interruptions are logged every time they occur so that it would be easy to pinpoint them.

Multi-level Functionality

You can decide how you would want to record your times. Choose between client level, project level and sub project level time tracking. If you add more details to the time tracking feature, you will end up getting more valuable and detailed reports.

Additional advantages of the Software

The software comes with a host of additional tools without the additional charges being levied. Some of them are

    • To Do List – You would be able to keep track of the activities throughout the day through the powerful To Do lists that you would be able to create with Xpert-Timer.
    • Booking Archive – In case you change the cost per hour at a certain date, all old, recorded timestamps can be archived with the old rate. This way you keep all historic prices of projects in your Xpert-Timer.  
    • All in one CRM – You can use Xpert-Timer  as a client, as well as contact management software. You are able to create user-defined fields as per your preference.
    • Activity Report – If you are looking for the tasks completed, or a way to document your projects progress without recording timestamps, Activity Report would be the best you would go with. It comes as a free option with Xpert-Timer.
    • Price lists – Create differential price lists for different professionals. A freelancer will have a different price than an engineer. You can also configure the rates depending upon the time of the day. You are able to add overtime charges and weekend surcharges.

These are just a few free additional modules that come packed with the software at no extra cost.

Xpert-Timer for Android

The tool is also available for mobile devies. You can download the official Xpert-Timer mobile version on Google Play Store.

The mobile version offers you an on the move advantage as compared to the desktop variant. It packs in most of the features available on the desktop client.

In Conclusion

An accurate entry of time stamps is an essential step towards achieving success. The simple and easy to use interface works in an excellent manner with your desktop or mobile and offers you an excellent time tracking experience for your projects. Opt for the Pro version today and enjoy the seamless possibilities!

Please find the original blogpost here: https://stuffablog.com/manage-time-xpertly-xpert-timer/



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